What You Need (Checklist)

Hello, hello!

I thought that I would switch it up a bit and have a little chat via written word rather than in audio form. In this lesson we are going to be talking about what you should bring to your first tutoring session. I have also provided a checklist that you can download so you can check off your new tutoring materials when you get them.

I will not tell you specific brands or items that you should purchase. I am not associated to any brand and I believe that you should have a choice in the types of materials that you use. In this lesson I will only suggest generic materials for you to use. You may also use materials around your house and opt-out of purchasing anything brand new.

Alrighty, let’s get to it.

This is the list of the materials that you must bring to your tutoring session in order to be prepared and have a successful first tutoring lesson.

Your Elevator Pitch

Before you pack up for your first tutoring session you will have already talked to your client and told them your elevator pitch. However, you will be repeating your elevator pitch in the very first tutoring session, so make sure that you bring it with you or have it memorized.

We have a whole lesson on developing your elevator pitch and explaining what an elevator pitch is in Module 8.

Your Student Tracker

Bring your student tracker, if you purchased one, to help you keep track of your students. Use the tracker during the lesson to write down any questions, concerns, or comments. Write down the questions that you weren’t able to answer so you won’t forget about them and so you can research those questions when you get home.

There is more information on how to use the student tracker and when to use it in the video that came with your purchase.

If you did not purchase the Student Tracker but would like to now, you can get your copy here:

Writing Material

Make sure to bring something to write with and to write on.

I highly recommend a portable whiteboard and fun colored whiteboard markers. Students love to use these because they typically don’t get to use whiteboards in school. By using a whiteboard you don’t waste any paper. The fun colors liven up the material and allow you to color code which is very important in STEM related subjects.

If you or your student prefer not to use a portable whiteboard then make sure to bring a notebook that is designated for tutoring. I still suggest to use multiple colors either in pen or pencil so you can color code.

Their Worksheets/Textbook

If you have access to your students worksheets and textbook then make sure to bring them to the tutoring session.

Typically you will not have access to these materials before your first tutoring session.

This means that you must tell your student to bring in all worksheets and books that they have access to that cover their subject.

After your first tutoring session ask if you can take pictures of their worksheets so you can prepare for the next lesson.


Last and most importantly: Make sure to bring your confidence.

The first tutoring session might be a bit awkward. You might be nervous and you might not know how the session will go. These feelings are all normal. However, after you tutor for awhile your nerves will disappear because you will always be prepared.

Still, you need a way to get rid of those nerves now, so let me tell you what I do. Before I go into a meeting, or on stage, or a tutoring session I pump myself up. I go into a private room and do jumping jacks, intense air punching, and power stances. These activities wake up my body and make me feel powerful. Then I tell myself “this is what excitement feels like.” This allows me to trick and train my brain to feel excited rather than nervous. This preps my body and my brain to be ready to enter the room without nervousness and with a great attitude.

Now I feel confident. Now I feel prepared.

Tutoring Backpack

Where do you put all of these tutoring materials? I suggest that you purchase a bag or backpack that you designate as your tutoring backpack. Keep all of your tutoring supplies in this backpack so you never misplace them.

Don’t forget to download the checklist so you can check off your tutoring materials. Keep it in your backpack so you can always make sure that you have everything that you need.

Wonderful! You have just finished this lesson, I will see you in the next one!

Everything that you need to bring to bring to your tutoring sessions. Download this tutoring checklist.

tutoring checklist.pdf
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